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Safibra in the report of the Central Bohemian Magazine: Optical fibers – an essential part of the modern world
What is a glass tube the width of a human hair used for? You will get an answer not just to that in the report of the Central Bohemian Magazine, dedicated to Safibra and optical fiber technology, that you can now also watch on our YouTube channel.
During the ten-minute broadcast, we focus on the principle of fast data transmission, safe cities and our cooperation with the international organization for thermonuclear fusion research CERN. It is this that can provide humanity with enough emission-free, so-called green, energy. The same success was achieved with the British company Tokamak Energy, which is engaged in the development of a prototype of a reactor for the production of green energy.
Our long-term partners in the field of innovation projects and the commercial sector also presented themselves in the broadcast. Doc. Ing. Jan Záleský, CSc., from the Czech Technical University in Prague, explained the principle of bridge monitoring using the developed software Digital Twin and optical sensors. The information that SW brings us can then be used for effective management and optimal planning of bridge repairs and thus protection of human health and the continuity of transport infrastructure.
Optical fibers are also a useful tool for tunnel excavation, on which we cooperate with SG Geotechnika a.s.. Ing. Marek Záleský, Ph.D. explained how fiber optic technology helps to detect lining deformations and automate the whole process without the need for measurement by a surveyor at the installation site. It monitors just as well slope movements, where pick-ups in an fiberoptic tape are used to measure bending.
The report was created under the baton of PRAHA TV, with the support of the Central Bohemian Innovation Centre. We are very much grateful for the support provided.
The Digital Twin technology is being developed within the project “Digital twin for increasing the reliability and durability of concrete bridges“, with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic under the “DOPRAVA 2020+ Program“. We also cooperate on the project with a long-term partner Cervenka Consulting s.r.o..
If you are interested in the report or the technologies used, do not hesitate to contact us.