Critical infrastructure security

Critical infrastructure protection from damage or destruction
Critical infrastructure includes all facilities of major importance to the community and economy, which are essential for the maintenance of public order, supplies, and other vital social functions. For example, the vast network of power grids, transport networks (highways, bridges, tunnels, railways), information and communication systems, utilities, and buildings. To protect critical infrastructures from damage or destruction by natural disasters, terrorism, criminal activity, etc., preventive security measures in the form of prompt and intensive infrastructure monitoring should be implemented.
- continuous monitoring of essential facilities
- early warning of events
- minimization and control of infrastructure damages
In our solution for critical infrastructure security, we combine our FBG monitoring and measuring systems, located at a remote site, and passive optical sensors and detectors installed at required places.
All of our infrastructure monitoring systems are designed for highly accurate static and dynamic measurements of various FBG sensors and detectors, allowing you to monitor many different physical parameters, such as temperature, strain, deformation, pressure, vibration, etc. Our sensors and detectors have also been specifically designed to detect various methods of attacking protected critical infrastructures and to reject known environmental activities and potentially false alarm scenarios.
Each of our infrastructure monitoring tools can be modified to meet your needs, such as the desired functionality, interoperability, and others. We can also provide you with powerful software tools for the acquisition of raw data, consequent data processing, analysis, storage, and visualization. All topped up with comprehensive services to help you find the most suitable infrastructure monitoring system for your project.
Our specialists assess each project according to your requirements and available resources: from the analysis, through the recommendation for the optimal configuration of SAFIBRA’s products, as well as the definition of the requirements for the third party devices, up to the final, complex infrastructure security system.